The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has promised to step up its campaign to ensure general practice nurses (GPNs) get the pay rise they deserve and has offered its support to those who are still waiting for confirmation on the recent uplift.
Salaried GPNs who have not yet heard from their employer on a 6% pay rise can use a newly created letter template, created by the RCN, to seek clarification and fight for the uplift.
Last week, the Department of Health and Social Care announced a 6% pay uplift for salaried GPs in England for 2023/24, which should also be passed on to all salaried practice staff, including nursing staff employed by GP surgeries providing NHS services.
In a statement today, the RCN said it was ‘clear that salaried GP nursing staff should receive a pay rise of 6% in line with the full value of this pay uplift, and it should be implemented as soon as possible and backdated to April 2023’.
RCN England director Patricia Marquis said: ‘This pay award is recognition of your daily commitment to patients and the NHS.
‘We’re determined to ensure you receive your pay award promptly and in full and will support you to secure this if your employer does not guarantee it.’
She added: ‘The fight for fair pay for nursing across all NHS and non-NHS settings continues.
‘We have set our ambitions high and will be stepping up our campaign for the pay you deserve.’
Today, the RCN highlighted six ways it was currently representing GPNs:
– The RCN is currently involved in the expert advisory group for the 2024/2025 GP contract
– The RCN is responding to NHS England’s Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care, published in May 2023
– In partnership with the RCN GPN Forum the college is reviewing the RCN Workforce Standards to ensure they’re relevant to nursing staff working in general practice
– The RCN is developing good employment standards alongside the RCN Workforce Standards
– The GPN Forum is leading a project looking at nursing career pathways and template job descriptions for nurses working in general practice which will help to ensure equitable pay, terms and conditions
– In partnership with NHS England (NHSE) and the National Association of Primary Care (NAPC), the RCN runs monthly GPN webinars on the first Friday of every month between 1pm and 2pm

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