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Nurses’ views sought on NHS pay offer in Scotland

Nurses’ views sought on NHS pay offer in Scotland

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has launched a consultation over the latest NHS pay offer for nurses on Agenda for Change (AfC) contracts in Scotland.

It comes after the Scottish Government last week offered a pay increase of 5.5% across all AfC bands, effective from April 2024.

While NHS nurses in Scotland have received a pay offer for 2024/25, general practice nurses (GPNs) are likely to be kept waiting for several weeks while negotiations continue, the British Medical Association (BMA) revealed last week.

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The RCN’s latest consultation covers all members working in Scotland’s NHS who are employed on AfC terms and conditions.

Eligible members have until noon on Friday 20 September 2024 to vote on whether they accept or reject the 5.5% offer.

RCN Scotland board Chair Julie Lamberth said: ‘Our members are rightly frustrated that the Scottish Government has kept them waiting while the cost of living has continued to increase.

‘We’re now asking them if the Scottish Government’s offer is enough of a step towards recognising our professions’ safety critical role.’ ​

Meanwhile, RCN Scotland director Colin Poolman said: ‘Nursing staff are the ever-present, safety critical workforce across the whole of health and care.

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‘Current wages do not reflect this and still won’t after this award.

‘Fair pay is vital to recruit and retain nursing staff, to fill the thousands of vacant nurse jobs and to ensure people receive the care they deserve.’

Last month, the government in England confirmed NHS nurses on AfC would also be given a 5.5% pay rise.

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While a 6% pay rise should be awarded to GPNs in England, concerns have been raised around the funding given to practices to do so.

Separately, the Welsh Government has said it is working through the details of an above-inflation pay rise for public sector staff, with an announcement expected for early next month.

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