The Labour government has committed to developing a new long-term workforce plan for the NHS that will be published next summer, it has been revealed.
Deputy chief public health nurse for England Professor Jamie Waterall said the new plan – which would replace that published by the Conservatives last year – will be informed by health professionals via a consultation.
And he said conversations were already taking place around the need for school nursing and health visiting to be ‘centre’ of the future plan.
Professor Waterall was speaking at the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) conference on Wednesday when he suggested the current workforce plan ‘does not got far enough’ when it comes to public health.
‘I don’t know if colleagues are aware, but government is now committed to developing a new long-term workforce plan,’ he said.
‘So, into the summer next year there will be a new workforce plan.’
After several delays, the previous Conservative government released its NHS Long Term Workforce Plan in June 2023 – committing to increasing adult nursing training places by 92% by 2031/32.
It outlined ambitions to expand training places for health visitors by 74% by 2030/31, and also pledged to grow training places for school nurses by 28%.
But Professor Waterall said the ‘current plan doesn’t go far enough – from the public health perspective’.
While it made commitments around the number of training places, he said it ‘doesn’t take that kind of broader perspective’.
‘So, here’s our opportunity, because government has signalled very clearly that they want a new workforce plan,’ he said.
Professor Waterall encouraged nurses to ‘use your voice’ in a consultation on the plan – though it is not clear when this will launch.
‘We’ve got now till the summer to be influencing that,’ he said.
‘Use your voice, use the consultation to respond.
‘I do see it as another reset opportunity for us to influence.’
An NHS England spokesperson said: ‘We always planned to review the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan at intervals so our workforce projections and planning remains up to date.
‘We will work closely with the government to develop future workforce plans, alongside the upcoming 10-year plan for the NHS.’
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: ‘The NHS has faced chronic workforce shortages for years, with staff being burnt out and demoralised.
‘Our 10-Year Health Plan will set out a bold agenda of reform to build a health service fit for the future.’
They added: ‘Bringing in the necessary staff will take time, but we are committed to delivering the biggest expansion of NHS staff in history with more midwives, nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals.’