Eight in 10 (83%) nurses have said the staffing levels on their last shift were not sufficient to meet patient needs, an increase from 73% in 2020.
In addition, 59% of survey respondents said they felt upset or sad that they could not provide the level of care they wanted, an increase from 54% in 2020. Meanwhile, 51% said they felt demoralised on their last shift, an increase from 43% in 2020.
Speaking to more than 2,000 delegates the RCN’s first in-person Congress in Glasgow since the Covid-19 pandemic, RCN chief executive Pat Cullen addressed the Government, saying that nurses and patients ‘have had enough’.
She said: ‘Nursing staff are being driven out by the current way of working – the shortage of staff and too often the poor culture. By that I mean the mean bullying and harassment…
‘To those from Government listening to my words – we have had enough. The patients and those we care for have had enough. We are tired, fed up, demoralised, and some of us are leaving the profession because we have lost hope. Do something about it,’ she added.
‘Don’t ever think this is normal. It is not. If there was ever a time to break this cycle, it is now. Let’s send the message in this hall today that nursing is saying loud and clear: enough is enough.’
In her speech, Ms Cullen also said the RCN is ‘making a change’ internally, which will be ‘led by the people’, including acting on recommendations from a report from KPMG and an upcoming report on the organisation’s culture expected to be published this summer.
In 2018, research from the University of Southampton found the hazard of death increased by 3% for every day a patient experienced a registered nurse staffing shortage.