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Community nursing team thanked for ‘lifesaving actions’

Community nursing team thanked for ‘lifesaving actions’
Image credit: Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

A group of community nurses have been praised for their swift actions that helped save a man’s life while they were attending a training session.

The nurses from Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) have been applauded for reacting quickly to support Roy Walley, who suffered a cardiac arrest during a walking football activity being held nearby.

The team, who were due to be attending a training session at Longton Rugby Club, performed CPR and used a defibrillator to keep Mr Walley alive while an air ambulance was called.

He was then flown to hospital where he had an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) fitted, which can detect life-threatening, rapid heartbeat.

Mr Walley, who is now recovering at home, said: ‘I wouldn’t be here today without their speedy actions, and I can’t thank them enough for everything they did for me that day.

‘I’d also like to thank the air ambulance for everything they did.

‘I’m very lucky to be here, and I’m looking forward to one day playing walking football again.’

Recalling the ‘challenging’ incident, community nurse Karen Stonier said she and her colleagues had made sure to put their training ‘to practice’.

‘I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we’re very thankful it worked out well,’ she added.

And she said having a defibrillator on site at the rugby club ‘definitely helped’ to save Mr Walley’s life.

‘I’m so proud of everyone’s collective efforts which enabled Mr Walley to be treated and sent home to recover to hopefully live a long and happy life,’ added Ms Stonier.

Liz Lockett, chief nurse and director of quality and professional leadership said: ‘I’m enormously proud of our staff for acting swiftly and professionally in coming to the aid of Mr Walley.’

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